Courses and Lab. Work

Module Type University Level Year Volume
Network Programming Mecanisms Lab Work ISTIC, Université Rennes 1 M1 2014-2015 20H
Distributed Systems and Middleware Architecture Lab Work ISTY, University of Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines (UVSQY) High School+5 2008-2009 &
C2i Tutoring Tutoring University Joseph Fourrier High School+2 2006-2007 30H

Network Programming Mecanisms

During my post-doctoral research, I was a part-time teacher at ISTIC (University Rennes 1). I took in charge tutoring the guided lab work of the MRI module (Network Programming Mechanisms) for MSc. students in software engineering. The lab work is organized as weekly sessions of 2 hours. It enables the students to experience the network programming technologies presented in the course, notably:

Network programming

  • Sockets;
  • RMI (Remote Method Invocation);
  • Message-Oriented Middleware (MOM).

Web programming

  • Servlets;
  • REST services.
The above lab works allow the students to have a better understanding of the network programming mechanisms and delimit the differences between them in order to decide about them in their future projects.

Distributed Systems and Middleware Architectures

During my PhD research, I was a part-time teacher at ISTY (University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines). I took in charge tutoring guided lab work on distributed software systems and middleware architectures for software engineering students. 

The goal of the lab work is to make the students experience the development of distributed software systems and overcome programming difficulties through various software engineering paradigms, viz.,:

  • Object Oriented Programming (Java RMI);
  • Component-based Software Engineering (Enterprise Java Beans);
  • Service Oriented Computing (Web Services and SOA).

The above lab works help the students to think about middleware architectures and distributed systems, their differences, and how to choose a given paradigm for a specific distributed system.

Tutoring C2i

In a previous teaching experience, I took in charge tutoring the C2i certification for biology undergraduates in the University of Joseph Fourrier. The goal of this certification is to endow the students with basic computing skills that enable them to:
  • Use ICT in their working environments;
  • Be aware of the challenges associated with the use of ICTs;
  • Produce, exploit and diffuse digital documents;
  • Find information on the Web;
  • Perform collaborative work online.
Based on the C2i tutoring, the students are able to understand the importance of  ICTs in their field of study (e.g., biology), and they are motivated to acquire a real digital culture while considering the evolving nature of ICTs.