Research Projects

Pervasive RFID 

Pervasive RFID is a project funded by the CominLabs research program. It aims at improving the reliability of RFID systems used in the context of pervasive computing and Internet of Things. Pervasive RFID investigates a physical approach, where data storage and processing are directly hosted and supported by physical objects.


SemEUsE is a research project funded by ANR. It aims at providing a service-oriented middleware (ESB) for pervasive environments. SemEUsE extends the classical ESB technologies to take into account the semantic description of services, as well as the non-functional requirements (QoS), during the discovery, composition and execution of services in pervasive environments.


The I-CROSS project is initiated in the context of the French cooperation program to Asia (ICT Asia-France). It aims at developing a service provision platform for smart spaces, with context awareness and QoS support.