
Articles in International Conferences

  • Ben Mabrouk, N., Georgantas, N., Issarny, V., Set-based Bi-level Optimisationfor QoS-aware Service Composition in Ubiquitous Environments. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS), 2015. New York, USA.
  • Ben Mabrouk, N., Couderc, P., EraRFID: Reliable RFID Systems Using Erasure Coding. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on RFID, 2015. San Diego, USA.
  • Roncière, S. Collardey, R. Sauleau, Ben Mabrouk, N., P. Couderc,Diversity Contribution of a Versatile UHF RFID Antenna System in Portal Applications. In: Proceedings of the 44th European Microwave Conference (EuMC’14), October, 2014. Roma, Italy.
  • Ben Mabrouk, N., Beauche, S., Kuznetsova, E., Georgantas, N., Issarny, V., QoS-aware Service Composition in Dynamic Service Oriented Environments. In: Proceedings of ACM/IFIP/USENIX 10th International Middleware Conference (Middleware’09), December, 2009. Urbana-Champaign. USA.
  • Ben Mabrouk, N., Georgantas, N., Issarny, V., A Semantic End-to-End QoS Model for Dynamic Service Oriented Environments. In: Workshop on Principles of Engineering Service Oriented Systems, May, 2009. Vancouver, Canada.

Articles in International Journals

  • Ben Mabrouk, N., Couderc, P., Resilient RFID Data Structures for Pervasive Applications. Manuscript submitted for publication to Journal of Pervasive and Mobile Computing.
  • Ben Mabrouk, N., Georgantas, N., Issarny, V., Multi-Objective Service Composition in Ubiquitous Environments with Service Dependencies. Manuscript submitted for publication to IEEE Transactions on Service Computing.
  • Ben Mabrouk, N., Georgantas, N., Issarny, V., QoS-aware Service Composition in Ubiquitous Environments: A Survey. Manuscript submitted for publication to ACM Computing Surveys.


  • Ben Mabrouk, N.QoS-aware Service-Oriented Middleware for Pervasive Environments, PhD thesis, University of Paris 6 (Pierre & Marie Curie), April, 2012.
  • Ben Mabrouk, N., Décidabilité des Requêtes XPath avec Contraintes de Comptage, Master thesis, University of Joseph Fourrier (UJF), June, 2007.


  • Ben Mabrouk, N., QASSA : Set-based QoS-aware Service Selection Algorithm for Ubiquitous Environments,
    Poster presented at the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS), 2015. New York. USA.
  • Ben Mabrouk, N.QoS-aware Service-Oriented Middleware for Pervasive Environments, Poster presented at ACM/IFIP/USENIX 10th International Middleware Conference (Middleware’09), December, 2009. Urbana-Champaign. USA.


  • Dispositif d’aide à la surveillance d’objets physiquesNebil Ben Mabrouk, Paul Couderc, France, 2015.