Research Theme: Distributed Systems

The general context of my research is the establishment of distributed (software) systems for dynamic networking environments. Distributed systems represent a primary concept in information and communications technologies. Along with the emergence of recent trends in computing paradigms such as pervasive computing, cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT), distributed software systems have gained more and more momentum as a prominent solution to enable the visions aimed at by such paradigms.
In this context, I concentrate on the study of middleware (as key distributed software systems enabler) to leverage dynamic networking environments. My research focuses more specically on establishing models, algorithms and tools for middleware to enable the specication, discovery, composition and adaptation of software systems while addressing their cross-cutting concerns such as interoperability, Quality of Service (QoS), context awareness and energy consumption.
My research can be described as the synthesis of interdisciplinary research that brings together ideas from different fields (such as software engineering, graph theory, combinatorial optimization, semantic web, data classification, erasure coding, etc.).